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Students of the graduate program and undergraduates of AY2019 cohort and earlier may view their midterm and final grades via the Student Records System (SRS). Undergraduates of AY2020 cohort onwards may view their final grade via IN4SIT. Students are responsible for checking and tracking their academic status.

Final Grade Appeal

For Students of the Graduate Program and Undergraduates of AY2019 Cohort and Earlier

Grade appeals should be submitted within two weeks from the date results are released. If you wish to appeal your final result, please submit the Student Grade Appeal form found in the SRS to Your appeal should be based on either of the following:

  • Error: The grade was tabulated incorrectly.
  • Grading Inconsistency: The grading scheme used contradicts the grading parameters outlined in the course syllabus.
  • Others: The appeal is based on other reasons than those cited above. If you choose this basis of claim, you are required to write an explanation.

You may also add any relevant information and/or documentation that would support your appeal (course papers, syllabus, class notes, or other materials).

For Undergraduates of AY2020 Cohort Onwards

Upon release of results in IN4SIT on the first day of the following trimester, students have two working days to apply for review of results via IN4SIT. The outcome of the appeal will be released via IN4SIT by the end of the following week.

Incomplete Grade

For Students of the Graduate Program and Undergraduates of AY2019 Cohort and Earlier

When circumstances beyond your control prohibit taking the final exam or completing coursework after the seventh week of the trimester, an incomplete grade (“I”) may be sought. Note that an incomplete grade (“I”) is NOT a mechanism to allow you to retake a course or obtain a passing mark eventually. You may request an incomplete grade (“I”) if one of the following reasons applies to you and is supported by valid documentation:

  • Serious illness supported by a medical doctor
  • Emergency* occurring after the eighth week of the semester
  • Statutory government requirement (e.g., court hearing, military service)

*An emergency pertains to an unforeseen situation beyond your control which prevents you from taking the final exam or completing coursework during the final week.

If your incomplete grade request is approved, you will be required to submit the remaining coursework assigned by the instructor within a specific timeline. Failure to meet the deadline may result in a failing mark.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office for more information on incomplete grade requests.